
Custom Bids

The key point of any optimization is rearranging your money flow from non-profitable to profitable placements. One way of achieving this is by setting a custom bid for any target/source in your campaign.

  1. Setting a custom bid on a given source or target will allow you to:

    1. Receive more traffic from the source/target, if you raise the bid

    2. Lower the price of traffic from the source/target, if you lower the bid

  2. Hence, you have three options for target/keyword-level optimization:

    1. If you have a great ROI on traffic from a given target/keyword, increase your bid to get more traffic.

    2. If your ROI on traffic from a given target/keyword is marginally negative, lower the bid to pay less.

    3. If a given placement does not perform at all, just pause it.

  3. In order to set a custom value for the bid, perform the following steps:

    1. Go to the Sources, Targets, Keywords tab.

    2. Click the set custom bid button in the Bid column. The cell switches to the editing mode.

  4. Provide a custom bid for:

    1. A target: It will override the source, keyword, and campaign bids.

    2. A source: It will override both the default keyword and campaign bids.

    3. A keyword: it will override the default campaign bids. 


      Setting custom bids on keywords is only possible for Generic Keyword Search campaigns

    4. A campaign bid: it will change the default campaign bid.



The above order (target > source > keyword > campaign bid) is the order of importance the system recognizes for adjusting bids.